Livestock Wealth introduced South Africa to Crowdfarming™ back in 2015 and since then we have been refining our product offering, streamlining processes and helping our investors grow their wealth the African way.
Livestock Wealth introduced South Africa to Crowdfarming™ back in 2015 and since then we have been refining our product offering, streamlining processes and helping our investors grow their wealth the African way.
Our platform has helped our clients to invest in tangible, growing assets at the click of a button. Innovation is at the heart of what we do and we aim to expand our product range and to become the foremost Crowdfarming™ platform in the world.
A few of our media releases on how our platform has helped our clients to
invest in tangible, growing asset at the click of the button.
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
“I grew up in a rural area and my grandparents owned a couple of cows. The cows were the bedrock of my family’s finances and that got me thinking, cattle are like a walking bank and we see ourselves as the bank of the future, where every person who owns a cow can access financial services through Livestock Wealth, just like it has always been in Africa.”
Advisory Board / CEO Propertiq
Advisory Board / 36 Years Farming Experience
Our team comprises of passionate people in the fields of information technology, accounting and marketing.
Our Livestock Wealth team is well experienced in technology to better manage each farm.
Our team has a combined 70 years of experience in corporate, farming and new venture creation.
The simplicity found in investing in tangible, growing assets is also to be found in how we run our organisation.
We believe in putting our investors and their needs first and ensuring that they win. We have agreements in place with our farmers to ensure that we deliver as promised to our investors.
Since inception, we’ve used only top-tier auditors. Currently, we are audited by SNG Grant Thornton.
Our Livestock Wealth Farmbook App enables you to sign up, choose products you’d like to invest in and pay securely. You can pay via credit card, bank transfer, instant EFT, or bank debit on the App.
Livestock Wealth(Pty) Ltd
is a registered credit
provider NCRCP8126
Regulated by the Agricultural Produce Agents Council Act: Reg No. 155
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