Own real farm assets as they grow on a farm and earn profit at harvest, creating wealth for you and the farmer. We call this Crowdfarming™.
Livestock Wealth, founded in 2015, is led by South African born entrepreneur, Ntuthuko Shezi, and backed by the Mine Workers Investment Company (MIC).
Our vision is to change the way the world invests by creating a global platform that enables anyone to be a farmer. Since 2015 our platform has facilitated direct investment in agriculture in rural areas and created local economies which results in job and wealth creation. We believe our actions will result in creating a world with no inequality.
Livestock Wealth is a privately owned legal entity based in South Africa, governed by the Companies Act 71 of 2008. In 2023 we raised a R10 million seed funding round from Mine Workers Investment Company (MIC).
We are regulated by the Agricultural Produce Agents Council Act: Reg No. 155 because our core business is connecting farmers who own cows, macadamia trees, and other assets with buyers who want to own those assets.
Our Crowdfarming™ platform connects you with approved farmers who already have cows, macadamia trees, and other assets.
*Targeted annual return.
“a perfect bridge between the farm and myself as an investor!” “The experience has been remarkably great and the staff are very supportive and always willing to assist. Through Livestock Wealth I have peace of mind knowing that my babies (cows) are taken care of. Livestock Wealth is my vehicle to financial freedom, the power to create wealth through livestock.”
Our Livestock Wealth Farmbook App enables you to sign up, choose products you’d like to invest in and pay securely. You can pay via credit card, bank transfer, instant EFT, or bank debit on the App.
Livestock Wealth(Pty) Ltd
is a registered credit
provider NCRCP8126
Regulated by the Agricultural Produce Agents Council Act: Reg No. 155
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